Million Dollar Reality - Day #2 - Forum Post Tips
Alright people. I have been focusing my last few minutes here to get my link in the "Signature" on many forums. My tip on submitting your link in the signature is to actually write something that other people would want to read.
Contribute is key! I cannot for the world empasize this enough! Contribute on the forums you write on. If it is a Money Making forum or a Self-Help forum write something that people can actually take value from.
For instance if I see some kid writing,
"Visit - great site for making money" Odds are you will be seen as a lame spamming annoying little piece of garbage and nobody, not even the most stupid people would click that.
*Q: What would you do instead?
*A: You should have an informative post related to the topic. Either a short review or a summary. Write what you have gained and how you think people could benefit from doing the same.
An example would be if somebody wrote for example:Initial post: "I have been on "" and I looked over a product called "Product" I have read a lot of the testimonials and I am thinking of buying this product. Do you have any tips/ideas I could use in regards to this product. Have you tried it or do you know someone who did?
Thanks Name
Answer back: Hey Name,
Great product find! I read some articles about this product and I find it interesting how such and such about such and such really makes this product "
judgement examples can be, bad/good/excellent/really stink". Have you read "
link to article/blog/review?" and "
link to article/blog/review?", these sites really helped me find some information about this
Topic. I would as an expert in the buisiness advice you to visit my link in my signature for further information on "
niche". I have some very great tips and some very nice tricks to many subjects related to this
Topic. I try to post almost everyday, so there will always be something new for you to read.
Note: You are now targeting the
Topic of the product, not the product itself. Make sure your site provides
A: Now is the time to promote your product/site/blog whatever. Listen carefully! The person who just posted a request for a review on a
Product in
a certain niche is
probably looking for more information in that same
niche. Somebody once told me that the most probable person of buying something
"on the spot" is a person who already has a similar product or interest. Let's say the person is interested in some unique thing like model airplanes. A person who has a few model airplanes has already a geniune interest for your market. Now find a way to market to this person, since he is more likely to buy if a "cooler/newer" airplane came out. A person who has never had a model airplane comes to a site with model airplanes would review A WHOLE LOT MORE then the previous example. This is the point where you tell them to read on your site about your model airplanes. "Just follow the link below and you can find out things you never knew about model airplanes". See the psychology behind this concept? If you don't read this again, because this is essential for your Forum success! Why? This will get you click-throughs and alot of curiosity around the subject. People will see you as an expert and link to you from their site. You can ask them to link to you if they find the information useful.
Please link to me at: to freely spread these great FREE tips!
Q: What forums would I post on?
A: You would want to go to Google and search for "Internet Marketing Forum" or searches closely related to you niche and add forum. Since I am doing internet marketing tips I searched for the above.. Make sure the forums have a high page-rank on google. Preferably top 20, but all the way to 50 is fine! Higher rank is better thought, since the current Search Engine algorithms are such that the more incoming link you have to you site, the higher rank you will recieve. So practically it is a "popularity contest".
Get more incoming urls along with good keywords = more incoming traffic = better page rank for Search Engines.
I have submitted my link to several very high pageranked forums on google and Yahoo. I have also added myself to a few on MSN.
Summary of forums I've added myself to are above 20 forums, and posting very informative posts! So IF you came from there.. That might be one of them.
I suggest you start to read,
http://www.warriorforum.comIt has all of the proffessional marketers and thousand of informative posts on the subjects regarding internet marketing.